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Standardized measures have been validated in the assessment of FBT that are cost-free. These measures, and studies of their psychometric support, can be upload from the "Methods of Assessing FBT Outcomes" in this section. These measures may be used to complement other measures in existing assessment batteries or used to evaluate other evidence-supported interventions. Most agents administer assessments immediately before, and immediately after, FBT implementation. However, some additionally implement these measures on an on-going basis, or weeks after the conclusion of treatment. The time to administer FBT batteries will be specific to the presenting concerns of the assessed population and agency needs and resources, but generally lasts between 1 to 2 hours. Dr. Donohue is available to assist in the development of FBT assessment batteries without financial charge. 


The agency head should assure all assessments are implemented in a manner that is consistent with State and federal laws. 




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